Easter Seals: Tell Congress: stop dangerous punishments that hurt kids Easter Seals Blake Foundation: Tell Congress: stop dangerous punishments that hurt kids
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Easter Seals Blake Foundation has been providing services to children and adults with disabilities since 1950. Our educational, therapeutic and community living programs are designed in accordance with our mission: to enable each individual served to discover and meet his or her maximum potential for independent, productive living and developmental growth.

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Tell Congress: stop dangerous punishments that humiliate and injure kids with disabilities


A bill introduced to Congress last year would set strict standards to ensure that no more children are harmed by cruel punishments in school – but we've got to speak up now to make sure Congress knows it's a priority. Send a letter to your members of Congress today, and help ensure no more children are humiliated, injured or killed at school!


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Support the Keeping All Kids Safe Act (S. 2020/HR 1381)

Dear decision maker,

Every year, hundreds of children are subjected to terrifying, painful punishments that can cause broken limbs, psychological trauma, and even death. They're called "restraint and seclusion" tactics, and they are most often used on children with disabilities.

Right now, there are no federal laws regulating restraint and seclusion practices in schools -- and as a result, children with disabilities are being locked in closets, duct-taped to chairs and even crushed to the ground as punishment for behaviors they often cannot control. In several extreme cases, children have died of suffocation when a teacher tried to physically restrain them.

As an Easter Seals supporter and someone who cares about the safety of all children, I urge you to support the Keeping All Kids Safe Act (S. 2020/HR 1381). The Keeping All Kids Safe Act will create strict standards regarding the use of restraint and seclusion tactics in schools, and help ensure that no more children are injured or killed as a result of them.

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