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Easter Seals provides exceptional services, education, outreach, and advocacy so that people living with autism and other disabilities can live, learn, work and play in our communities.

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Tell President Obama: Increase federal funding for children with special needs!


With the President’s budget deadline rapidly approaching, the White House is making decisions right now that could impact the futures of millions of young children with disabilities. Last year, your support convinced Congress to increase funding for programs that serve kids with special needs by $5 million – and now we have the opportunity to start 2012 off stronger than ever.

Send President Obama your message of support for increased funding for programs serving kids with special needs.


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Increase funding for children with disabilities in FY13

Dear President Obama,

According to a recent Easter Seals report, we aren't doing enough to keep children with special needs from falling through the cracks. More than 1 million children under age 5 will go undiagnosed and untreated in 2012 alone. As an Easter Seals supporter and a constituent, I ask you to support critical programs that help children with disabilities succeed by increasing funding for the Early Intervention Program, Part C, of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in FY13.

Thank you,
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