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Protect funding for children with disabilities.
Dear [Decision Maker],
Every year, we as a nation fail to identify more than one million children, all under the age of five, who have a disability or are at risk for developmental delay. How many more need to fall behind before we act?Programs that diagnose and treat children with special needs before the age of five can make sure kids start school on par with their peers, and have an equal chance to achieve their dreams. But the programs that diagnose and treat these children are chronically underfunded on the state and federal level.In fact, according to a recent Easter Seals report, young children are falling through the cracks in every state. One way to turn the tide is to increase state and federal funding for the Early Intervention Program, Part C, of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. One child falling behind is a tragedy. One million represents a national crisis. Please increase funding for early intervention services so that every child can get a good start in life. There is no better investment in our children.
Committed to the cause,[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP]